Useful Links for Jobseekers
Australian Industry Group

Australian Taxation Office


The WorkSafe team is responsible for improving workplace safety through implementing the organisation's comprehensive constructive compliance strategy which focuses on information and education, incentives, enforcement, investigations, prosecutions and penalties.

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the State.
They focus on leading business into the future. They are committed to being the voice for business, representing and championing their members in a difficult regulatory environment. Their success over more than 150 years is built on consistently providing leadership, information, representation and networking opportunities to businesses across the State.
Fair Work Ombudsman

The Fair Work Ombudsman is a statutory office created by theĀ Fair Work Act 2009. The Fair Work Ombudsman's jurisdiction is set out in the Fair Work Act, and he operates independently of Government, making his own decisions about all investigations. The Fair Work Ombudsman's functions include promoting harmonious, productive and cooperative workplace relations and ensuring compliance with Commonwealth workplace laws. The services of the Fair Work Ombudsman are free to all workers and employers in Australia.
Fair Work Australia

The Fair Work Commission is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions, enterprise bargaining, industrial action, dispute resolution, termination of employment, and other workplace matters.